My name is Belinda.
Once upon a time, I had a different blog ( ...with Wordpress, sshhh, don't tell Blogger). I started the blog because I had been reading so many other amazing blogs and I wanted to create something special of my own. I had high hopes for the blog - I would write all the time and upload gorgeous photos and it would all have some great purpose! Ha!
Sometimes, I wrote nice things there. Mostly, I just used it as a place to keep note of other lovely blogs I had found. I would add them to my blogroll and admire my growing list of blogs I swooned over. Meanwhile my own blogging dwindled in quantity ...and perhaps quality?
But here I am with a new home and higher hopes and a few actual purpoes this time! Oh brilliant! I guess the general vibe of what I was going for last time still remains, so I'll include my old "About Me" ramble from before because, well, I liked what I said!
about me:
I’m a hair-braiding, hula-hooping, hand-crafting, hill-billy-at-heart, hell-raiser (maybe). I’m a rambler, but not much of a gambler, and for now, I’m at home. After spending a fair chunk of the past couple of years tramping through the high sierra – way over yonder – I’ve come back home to sunny Sydney, Australia. And as it often goes, I’ve come home with a head full of hopes and ideas and dreams.. and a few resolutions too.
You know how every now and then you meet a person/fella/gal/bunch of lovely sweethearts who just fill your soul up with goodness and light and you feel like you’re your own answer and you’ve got a lot you want to do and you know you can do it? No? Well golly, it’s happened to me recently. Basically, I’ve been inspired. To keep dreaming, hoping, wondering.. and to act on every single little desire and thumping heartbeat and passing whim that I bump into. So the resolution…
Two words: Passion and Action. Sounds a bit raunchy, but I like to think of it as the best goddamn resolution I’ve ever made. To sort out what I’m passionate about and act. Dream in real life. Forward [E]Motion. I guess it all sounds a bit romantic, but as I’m already finding out, turning what seems like ‘a good idea’ into reality can be hard work, time-consuming, and a hair-puller. Or it can be pure knee-slapping joy.
Watch me take on the mandolin, jam-making, worm-farming, bread-baking, seed-sprouting, lunar planting, wool-spinning, sydney-exploring, .. and my most recent whim: to learn everything I possibly can about country music.
(En)Joy. that's all still pretty darn true. Aside from all that, this will probably be an incredibly disjointed and sometimes rambling and sometimes brief kinda blog thing. I'll probably contradict myself and have strange online freakouts followed by blissful life-affirming realisations, but it will hopefully be a refreshing and joyful adventure for us both.
Thanks for joining me.
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